In 2018 I was diagnosed with an auto immune condition, or in technical terms, an inflammatory bowel disease termed Ulcerative Colitis. Without getting too far into it this was a very confusing, scary, and stressful time in my life. I would go on to learn (through copious amounts of research) that although western medicine would tell me that “there is no known cause of the disease” and “you have a much higher risk for colon cancer” and “will need to take medication for the rest of your life”, that the primary contributing factors were essentially high stress and poor diet. I don’t use the term “poor” lightly, as at the time, I would have actually considered myself a very “healthy” person. I exercised regularly (heavily at times), kept my “junk food” habits and admitted “sweet tooth” to a minimum, and adhered to a fairly normal western American diet. Maybe you can relate… 

Fast forward to a few years and I have reversed my auto immune condition and have virtually eliminated chronic inflammation in my body (which many of us have but may be unaware of). The silver lining and perhaps equally as profound, was that the myriad of behavior health problems that I struggled with throughout the course of my life (diagnosed ADD, low level depression, and anxiety) resolved as well.  

Maybe you can relate to feeling that you are somehow “hindered” or “broken” and were somehow shorthanded in the neurotransmitter allocation lottery at birth. Maybe it was just the hand you were dealt, and maybe you need to rely on prescription medication to function “normally”. Or maybe not… What you may not have realized (because nobody told you) is that these are actually symptoms of biochemical interactions in your body and that you may have more control than you think. I transformed my physical/ mental health by studying how food interacts with the body/ and learned that in many cases it can actually be the catalyst for many of the chronic illnesses that many of us struggle with. I have applied this knowledge through trial and error and have completely transformed my relationship with food.   

Whether you are trying to make a few adjustments to your relationship with food and looking to boost your energy/ vitality, or you are trying to completely revitalize and transform your health (perhaps you too are struggling with a chronic ailment or condition and/ or mental health) it is my sincere desire to help you take control of your health/ nutrition so that you can become the best possible version of yourself and gain the confidence you need to live a long healthy life.